Jobs, Career, Side-projects
Launching Job Board for Danish Software Engineers: Danish Tech
The go-to place to find jobs in Denmark as a software engineer

Data Engineering, Airflow, Python
How to install Apache Airflow with Poetry
A guide for how to install Apache Airflow on Ubuntu using Poetry as dependency manager

Career, Software Developer
My personal CV tailored for Software Engineering positions

TailwindCSS, NextJS
Spotlight/Glowy Hover Effect using TypeScript, React, and TailwindCSS
Break down on how to create a spotlight/glowy hover effect

Kubernetes, Microk8s, Rancher, DevOps
How to install Kubernetes with Microk8s and Rancher
Install Kubernetes using Ubuntu's Microk8s - then install the Rancher plugin for easy Kubernetes management.

Forewords: Welcome to my blog!
Hello World.